Ideas for reducing energy consumption and increasing awareness on campus:
-Get involved with IT to examine the viability of automatic computer shutdowns for campus computers after an extended idle period.
-Get involved with administration(/student gov?) to look at funding for installing lighting occupancy sensors.
-Place stickers on light switches to remind to turnoff after exiting a room.
-Create and place signs to encourage the use of stairs over elevators.
-Devise an experiment to examine the viability of waiting for a parking spot to open versus walking to campus through polling, car counting, or devising an experiment. Get connected with campus media to distribute results.
-Look into possible metering of campus electric utilities to model building energy use.
We thought having a covered wagon would be cool. Possibly pulling it with bikes.
We also thought for a banner a THEN NOW & NEW FRONTIER would work. We would divide the banner in thirds and have picture of an old frontier in the THEN section. Factories and pollution in the NOW. And Earth Ships and Green practices in the NEW FRONTIER.
For a banner/chalk we also considered having factories in the background polluting and then a covered wagon coming from that mess. We discussed some slogan with 'Blazing a trail..'
-Local foods frenzy- Event inviting Peoples Grocery, the Student Farm, fair trade advocates. We could also share information from/about Food Inc, invite different agriculture groups, talk about making healthy decisions. Contact the organizer of movies on the grass could be a good idea.
Veg pledge- We could collaborate with the Student Farm about this, maybe work on discount vegetables during that week. We could also do an organic food awareness campaign (both positive and negative aspects). A veggie potluck could also be cool.
Healthy, Exercise Day- possibly at Konza? Biking? top of the world/scenic overlook, walk the whole campus with faculty from campus, "more in depth hike"
Kitchen Composting (Help Kramer & The HOES)- provide information to educate people on composting, contact housing and dining about starting a composting program
Other events/projects- GO TO HUNGER BANQUET from fair trade!!!
Ideas generating at the Green Living/ Education Meeting:
-Team up with the Student Farm to help promote consumption of their produce or that of other local growers
-Bring in guest speakers to the university. Dr. Vandana Shiva will be coming to K-State to speak on Friday, October 16th. What sort of creative methods can SEA use to promote this AWESOME event?
-Make more visits to elementary schools as a way of engaging the community. What sort of topics/activities could we present?
-America Recycles Day is on November 15th. SEA could make new fliers on reducing, reusing, and recycling to hand out. We could also get a Green Pledge going. What other creative ways could we raise awareness about waste reduction?
-Does anyone want to go to any of the Green Festivals?
This is a collective blog for SEA at Kansas State University. Its purpose is to provide a dynamic forum for the collective sharing and discussing of environmental news both global and local. Want to write to this collective blog? Sign up here!
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Energy Committee
Ideas for reducing energy consumption and increasing awareness on campus:
-Get involved with IT to examine the viability of automatic computer shutdowns for campus computers after an extended idle period.
-Get involved with administration(/student gov?) to look at funding for installing lighting occupancy sensors.
-Place stickers on light switches to remind to turnoff after exiting a room.
-Create and place signs to encourage the use of stairs over elevators.
-Devise an experiment to examine the viability of waiting for a parking spot to open versus walking to campus through polling, car counting, or devising an experiment. Get connected with campus media to distribute results.
-Look into possible metering of campus electric utilities to model building energy use.
Posted by TerraFirst! at 5:33 AM 0 comments
Labels: activism, collaboration, committees
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Thursday, September 17, 2009
Homecoming Task Force
We thought having a covered wagon would be cool. Possibly pulling it with bikes.
We also thought for a banner a THEN NOW & NEW FRONTIER would work. We would divide the banner in thirds and have picture of an old frontier in the THEN section. Factories and pollution in the NOW. And Earth Ships and Green practices in the NEW FRONTIER.
For a banner/chalk we also considered having factories in the background polluting and then a covered wagon coming from that mess. We discussed some slogan with 'Blazing a trail..'
Posted by amagoo at 12:54 PM 1 comments
Labels: committees, Homecoming
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Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Food & Health Committe Project Ideas
-Local foods frenzy- Event inviting Peoples Grocery, the Student Farm, fair trade advocates. We could also share information from/about Food Inc, invite different agriculture groups, talk about making healthy decisions. Contact the organizer of movies on the grass could be a good idea.
Veg pledge- We could collaborate with the Student Farm about this, maybe work on discount vegetables during that week. We could also do an organic food awareness campaign (both positive and negative aspects). A veggie potluck could also be cool.
Healthy, Exercise Day- possibly at Konza? Biking? top of the world/scenic overlook, walk the whole campus with faculty from campus, "more in depth hike"
Kitchen Composting (Help Kramer & The HOES)- provide information to educate people on composting, contact housing and dining about starting a composting program
Other events/projects- GO TO HUNGER BANQUET from fair trade!!!
Posted by amagoo at 10:01 AM 2 comments
Labels: committees, Food and Health, people's grocery, student farm, VegPledge
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Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Green Living/ Education Committee Project Ideas
Ideas generating at the Green Living/ Education Meeting:
-Team up with the Student Farm to help promote consumption of their produce or that of other local growers
-Bring in guest speakers to the university. Dr. Vandana Shiva will be coming to K-State to speak on Friday, October 16th. What sort of creative methods can SEA use to promote this AWESOME event?
-Make more visits to elementary schools as a way of engaging the community. What sort of topics/activities could we present?
-America Recycles Day is on November 15th. SEA could make new fliers on reducing, reusing, and recycling to hand out. We could also get a Green Pledge going. What other creative ways could we raise awareness about waste reduction?
-Does anyone want to go to any of the Green Festivals?
Posted by amagoo at 10:27 PM 1 comments
Labels: Dr. Vandana Shiva, education, Green Festival, Green Living, recycling, sub-committiees
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