Friday, July 13, 2007

Deuce veggies + workday Sunday


The Deuce Gardens finally has some tomatoes! We also have a healthy share of cucumbers, and I think that the garlic and onions are probably ready to be harvested.

So, I haven't firmly said anything about money yet, but here's what I was thinking: Jeffers, Ugolini and I are the only people who have spent any money on the garden (no one else has been asked). Therefore, to make some of the money back, I was thinking about offering the veggies for a discounted price for those who have helped out with the garden (or offering them to everyone, but giving precedence to those who've helped out). I'll check on average prices in the super market, and make sure that we are comparable, if not lower.

Another option would be to make salsa and/or marinara sauce out of the tomatoes, and sell the salsa.....

Anyways, I'm open to options, so let me know what you'd like to do!

As always, we need help weeding this Sunday around 2pm, and we'll be digging and placing some posts.

~Sir Knabe


Sir Knabe said...

I just had a tomato, and it was delicious. We have, like, 30.

Rebecky said...

Do you garden every sunday?